Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Summer UFO's

I've been working, more or less simutaneously, on the vest for hubby in Paton's Techno Fleece (a yarn discontinued with good reason) and a jacket for myself using two strands of Bendigo Wool's 100% Alpaca (a sensuous feast for fibre lovers). However, the season is upon us ...Christmas that is... so I have ceased work on these projects until further notice and have stored them for the summer, or at least part of it.
I have, at this stage, finished the body of the vest for hubby, and like only picking up a million or so stitches on fuzzy, ill tempered yarn to do the trim and thus finish the work. Fussy as this yarn is to work with, I would like to get done with this thing if for no other reason than to have the torture completely behind me. However, that is, at this stage, unrealistic. It won't be wearable for some months, and I daresay, at any rate, I could use a break from it.
The jacket is a pet project of mine, which I have mentioned earlier, with THE alpaca I fell in love with in Bendigo and still cherish to this day. I have finished the back and one side of it, and although it isn't pictured here, the other side has progressed to the point where I need to start decreasing it for the arm holes.
Now, however, the need to finish off some more urgently needed Christmas knits, such as the bookmark mentioned in the last peice, has persueded me to put these two beauties down and pick up the less impressive but quicker knittables. Also, on my trip to Bendigo I also picked up some cotton and a pattern for a summer top that would be more appropriate for the season. I reckon I might start it as a bigger project I can pick up in between Christmas projects. It would be nice to have it finished to wear this summer, and as I have a nice holiday-on-the-beach planned for January, that would be the perfect time to finish it off.

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